Interested in Earning an Amazing 50% Commission on Every Sale

The mortgage meltdown is a huge trend in the United States, and like most huge trends, it contains vast profit potential. Just like affiliate marketers made huge profits as the real estate bubble was on its way up, there are riches awaiting talented affiliates on the way down too.
We are currently looking for motivated, ethical affiliates for our one-of-a-kind product that is targeted toward the millions of homeowners who are walking away from their homes. The hot new buzzword in the real estate crisis is “strategic default,” and our Strategic Mortgage Default System is cornering that market as the ONLY information product that teaches underwater homeowners how to engage in strategic default. Major news services are advertising the concept for us – including 60 Minutes – and the strategic default trend is just getting started. Now is the time to help us support the strategic default revolution!
With the Strategic Mortgage Default System, you will get:
Excellent quality product written by known industry expert
Earn an amazing 50% commission on every sale!
5%+ typical conversion rate (from qualified traffic)
Product backed by excellent customer service
Very Low < 0.1% return rate (as of 7-01-10)
Professional quality banners, videos, sales letters & articles
#1 Trusted affiliate management service (ClickBank)
Automated commission payouts (via ClickBank)
Easy setup (become an affiliate in minutes for free)

Product Details & FAQs:
Product Details:
The Strategic Mortgage Default System is the only comprehensive system giving you a clear and concise explanation of all the issues you need to consider in order to decide whether to stop paying your mortgage. You’re not alone being under tremendous financial and emotional pressure due to the crash in the economy and the real estate market. You need to know what will happen if you walk away from your property. The System was designed to help you decide what's best for you, removing the fear, uncertainty, and hearsay from one of the greatest challenges you may ever face in your life. We will show you: - The Risk to Your Other Assets if You Default on Your Mortgage – The Potential Solutions to Your Problem, Including Short Sale, Deed in Lieu, and Foreclosure – The Importance of Knowing Whether You Live in a Recourse State or a Non-Recourse State - The Tax Implications of Defaulting on Your Mortgage - The Impact of Strategic Default on Your Credit Score. This eBook is in PDF format and downloaded immediately after the payment is completed. For More product information please visit.
How much will I make per sale?
For each $19.95 product sale you will earn a 50% commission minus fees from our credit card processor ClickBank.
Who pays me?
Our affiliate program is managed by ClickBank. ClickBank is the number one company in online secure credit card processing for digital information products. ClickBank is well known for being a reliable and professional third party affiliate management company, so you will always be paid accurately and on time.
When do I get paid?
ClickBank will send you a check twice per month, on the 1st and 16th of every month. They offer real-time analytics enabling you to check your commissions online easily.
How do I sign up for the affiliate program?
Just follow this link to be taken to ClickBank sign up page: If you do not already have a free ClinkBank account you will be asked to create one.
Other Important Details:
ClickBank keeps an accurate record of all your statistics through your affiliate link. They use "cookies" to record visitor activity so that you get credit for the sale even if the person leaves the site and returns to make a purchase up to 90 days later.

click this out:StrategicLoandeFault.Com